The Truth about Cape Cod Beach Access
Cape Cod is ringed with dozens of public beaches on both salt and fresh water. Most require a sticker issued by the town, with different rates for residents and visitors.
Click here to find out how to secure a beach sticker in any town on the Cape.
Click here to find out how to secure a beach sticker in any town on the Cape.
Every town has at least one beach where you can pay for a daily parking pass, however these can bust the family vacation budget, so consider a weekly pass.
Cape Cod National Seashore beaches have their own rate structure. There's more information here. After Labor Day, most public beaches are free to all, although the rest rooms and food trucks generally disappear by then. Our four-legged friends are allowed on most beaches from September until May. Look for signage at each beach to see where and when Fido is welcome. |